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[요청]certi관련문제 몇가지 질문드립니다.

kkk 2008.02.12 16:35 조회 수 : 1227 추천:11

02-1.          Which statements on function modules are correct? (M)


-- Function modules are embedded in a function group. (T)

-- You can encapsulate screen sequences using function groups and function modules.) (T)

-- Function modules can have an interface. Which can contain IMPORT and EXPORT parameters. Optional parameters can be used.(T)

-- The additions to the CALL FUNCTION statements specify at runtime whether actual parameters are to be filled or not.(F)

   -- Function modules are edited in the class builder (F)

==>위의 문제에서 두번째문장이 옳은 문장인지 궁금합니다.


01-1.          Dispatcher task initialization 수행하는 작업을 모두 고르시오 ?

-- reading profile parameters

-- creating and initializing semaphores

-- generating roll areas

-- starting work processes

-- logging on to the message server


02-1.          Global memory ID)’xx’ to be lost is cause this event? (m)

-- call transaction

-- leave to transaction

-- Exp Mem

-- Imp Mem

-- Submit and return


==>위의 두문제에서는 녹색으로 표시된 부분의 문장이 참인지 거짓인지 잘 모르겠어요.



2-10  in program A. function module F is called from function group G for the first time. Which of the following statements is correct? (S) 

-- The code of the entries function group G is loaded into the roll area.

-- The global data from A can be accessed in F.

-- A and F have common work areas for dictionary tables.

-- Function module F is called in a separate internal session


==> 위의 문제에서 정답이 1번이 아니라 3번 같은데..좀 헷갈리네요.


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