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SAP 한국 커뮤니티

report zunicode_034.

sapjoy 2008.11.21 16:26 조회 수 : 2734

report  zunicode_034.

data : seltab  type table of rsparams with header line.

data : begin of struc,
        text(3) type c,
        int type i,
       end of struc.


data: buffer type xstring,
      buffer2 type xstring,
      p_buf1(100) type c,
      p_buf2(100) type c,

      conv type ref to cl_abap_conv_out_ce,
      view type ref to cl_abap_view_offlen.

  view = cl_abap_view_offlen=>create_legacy_view( struc ).
  conv = cl_abap_conv_out_ce=>create(
                              encoding = '8500'
                              endian = 'B' ).

 struc-text = '가나다'.
 struc-int  = strlen( struc-text ).

  conv->convert_struc( exporting data = struc
                                 view = view
                       importing buffer = buffer ).

data p_buffer(100) type c.
p_buf1 = buffer.

clear seltab.
seltab-selname = 'P_BUF1'.
seltab-kind    =  'P'.
seltab-sign    = 'I'.
seltab-option  = 'EQ'.
seltab-low     = p_buf1.
append seltab.

*CLEAR seltab.
*seltab-selname = 'P_BUF2'.
*seltab-kind    =  'P'.
*seltab-sign    = 'I'.
*seltab-option  = 'EQ'.
*seltab-low     = P_BUF2.
*APPEND seltab.
submit zunicode_035
       with selection-table seltab 
       via selection-screen
 and return.

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
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